Communication & Marketing

  • The Chester County Intermediate Unit’s (CCIU) particular model of brand architecture is known as “monolithic,” or a “branded house,” where the IU’s logo is the primary identifier in all communications. As such, the CCIU logo is one of the most important tools in establishing the intermediate unit’s graphic identity and it is integral to the branding process. It is a symbol that instantly tells the audience this is a product of the CCIU. The consistent and proper use of the CCIU logo not only strengthens recognition but also projects the IU’s established reputation onto all of the many individual divisions, schools and programs that make up our organization.

    Logo guidelines provided are to be strictly adhered to. If you have any questions regarding the proper way to utilize these logos, please contact Communications for clarification. Additionally, when applying an approved logo please be cognizant of associated Legal requirements.


  • Logo color

    On all full-color communications, the color CCIU logo should be used. When color is not available, the CCIU logo is to be reproduced in grayscale or black and white. The logo should not be versioned into any colors other than those indicated below.

    CCIU logo

    Pantone colors

    Different printing systems require different color specifications. When Pantone colors can be specified, use Pantone 208 C (burgundy) and Pantone 429 C (gray). When printing two-color documents please substitute Pantone 429 C with a 20% tint of Pantone 429 C. When Pantone colors cannot be specified, use the four-color CMYK process equivalents or the three-color RGB equivalents shown under the Pantone colors to the right. Four-color process equivalents are also called CMYK equivalents, which refer to the four primary colors used in printing: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). RGB equivalents refer to a system for creating colors on computer monitors using a combination of the colors red, green and blue.

    CCIU's primary color chart

    Web-safe colors

    Colors on the Internet are limited to a palette of 256 colors. These colors are created through HTML code (Hex) that uses a series of six numbers and/or letters or a combination of numbers and letters. The nearest matches to CCIU’s colors are 861F41 for Pantone 208 C and A2AAAD for Pantone 429 C.

    CCIU grayscale logo
    Grayscale logo

    If color is not available, a grayscale version of the logo is acceptable for use when reproducing the CCIU logo in one color. To ensure sufficient contrast, it is recommended that the grayscale version only is used against a white background.


    CCIU white logo
    Reversed logo

    Only when absolutely necessary should the reversed out to white logo be utilized. The CCIU brand is strongest when in color and should always be the first option.


    Logo size

    The preferred size for the logo is 1 inch by ¾ inch but can be adjusted as needed (such as on brochures) not to result smaller than 0.375-inch height in print nor smaller than 32 pixels in digital formats. There is no maximum size limit, but use discretion when sizing the logo. It should not be the most dominant element on the page.

    The CCIU logo must remain proportionally balanced. To scale the logo correctly, hold down the shift key while dragging a corner of the logo to the desired size. Never change the logo by compressing, expanding, distorting, or changing it in any manner.

    If you find a need for alternate sizes, such as digital app icons, please contact Communications.

    Logo spacing

     In order to maintain an appropriate amount of clear space around the logo, a minimum of .0167 inch of white space should border all sides of the logo.

    Logo placement

    Preferred placement for the CCIU logo is in any of the four corners of a particular piece, with greater preference placed to either bottom corner. This ensures clarity and consistency in presentation across all divisions and programs. When utilizing the logo in conjunction with the CCIU name, please utilize the bottom left corner to ensure appropriate text alignment.

    When utilized in conjunction with a TCHS or BVA logo, the CCIU logo will play a secondary role in terms of size but should remain within one of the four corners, preferably one of the lower corners.

    Logo Variations

    In most instances, it is preferred to have the full organization’s name associated with the logo. Please note that this is not considered a separate logo, but rather an approved enhancement to the logo. No other icons, type, or marks are approved to be used in conjunction with the logo.

    Horizontal version

    When utilizing “Chester County Intermediate Unit” in conjunction with the logo, the text should preferably appear to the right of the logo. Depending on placement, one of the following two options can be used.

     CCIU horizontal logo

    Stacked version

    When horizontal space prohibits the use of the horizontal version, a stacked version may be utilized. In this instance, the text should appear under the logo and should be centered.

    CCIU stacked logo


    The approved tagline for use with the CCIU logo is “An Educational Service Agency.” In order to maintain consistency in positioning and size of the tagline, two separate logo file options with the appropriate lock-up has been created. The tagline should never be utilized outside the provided files.

    CCIU logo with tagline option 1 CCIU logo with tagline option two

    Logo assets

    All available logo files can be accessed via the following link:

    Download CCIU Logos

    Logo guidelines provided are to be strictly adhered to. If you have any questions regarding the proper way to utilize these logos, please contact Communications for clarification. Additionally, when applying an approved logo please be cognizant of associated Legal requirements.


  • Logo color

    On all full-color communications, the color TCHS logo should be used. When color is not available, the TCHS logo is to be reproduced in grayscale or black and white. The logo should not be versioned into any colors other than those indicated below.

    TCHS block logo with color  

    Pantone colors

    Different printing systems require different color specifications. When Pantone colors can be specified use Pantone 7636 C (red) and Pantone 7687 C (blue). When Pantone colors cannot be specified, use the four-color CMYK process equivalents or the three-color RGB equivalents shown under the Pantone colors to the right. Four-color process equivalents are also called CMYK equivalents, which refer to the four primary colors used in printing: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). RGB equivalents refer to a system for creating colors on computer monitorsusing a combination of the colors red, green and blue.


    Web safe colors

    Colors on the Internet are limited to a palette of 216 colors. These colors are created through HTML code that uses a series of six numbers and/or letters or a combination of numbers and letters. The nearest matches to TCHS’s colors are C60651 for Pantone 7636 C and FBB040 for Pantone 7687 C.

    TCHS logo in black color

    Grayscale logo

    If color is not available, a grayscale version of the logo is acceptable for use when reproducing the TCHS logo in one color. To ensure sufficient contrast, it is recommended that the grayscale version only is used against a white background.

     TCHS white logo

     Reversed logo

     Only when absolutely necessary should the reversed out to white logo be utilized. The TCHS brand is strongest when in color and should always be the first option.

    Logo size

    The preferred size for the logo is 1 inch by ¾ inch but can be adjusted as needed not to result smaller than 0.375-inch height in print nor smaller than 32 pixels in digital formats. This ensures that the text remains readable. There is no maximum size limit, but use discretion when sizing the logo. It should never be the most dominant element on the page.


    The TCHS logo must remain proportionally balanced. To scale the logo correctly, hold down the shift key while dragging a corner of the logo to the desired size. Never change the logo by compressing, expanding, distorting, or changing it in any manner.


    If you find a need for alternate sizes, such as digital app icons, please contact Communications.

    Logo spacing

     In order to maintain an appropriate amount of clear space around the logo, a minimum of .0167 inch of white space should border all sides of the logo.  

    Logo placement

    Preferred placement for the TCHS logo is in any of the four corners of a particular piece, with greater preference placed to the top left corner. This ensures clarity and consistency in the presentation.

    When utilized in conjunction with a CCIU logo, the TCHS logo will play the primary role in terms of size but should remain within one of the four corners, preferably one of the top corners.


    Logo Variations

    Based on space or preference for using the logo as a header, a second logo option may be utilized that has more of a horizontal format.


    TCHS horizontal


    Guidelines specific to color, spacing and placement for the horizontal logo remain the same as the stacked logo; however, logo size differs slightly. The preferred size for the horizontal logo is 1 inch by ¾ inch but can be adjusted as needed not to result smaller than 0.375-inch height in print nor smaller than 32 pixels in digital formats.


    Campus-specific designations


    In certain instances, it is desired to indicate one of the three TCHS campuses along with the logo. The campuses should be indicated as: Brandywine Campus, Pickering Campus or Pennock’s Bridge Campus. Please note that this is not considered a separate logo, but rather an approved enhancement to the logo. No other icons, type, or marks are approved to be used in conjunction with the logo.


    Stacked version

    When utilizing a campus delineation in conjunction with the TCHS stacked logo, the text should appear under the logo and should be centered. The font type should be Myriad Pro and again should be sized proportionally to the logo. In the instance of the standard 1” x 0.75” TCHS logo, the font size should be X.


    TCHS Brandywine stacked logo       TCHS Pickering stacked logo        TCHS Pennock's Bridge stacked logo         


    Horizontal version

    When utilizing a campus delineation in conjunction with the horizontal logo, the text should preferably appear under the logo and left-aligned. The font should remain Myriad Pro and should be sized proportionally to the logo. In the instance of the standard 1” X 0.75” TCHS logo, the font size should be X.


    TCHS brandywine horizontal logo

    TCHS Pickering horizontal logo

    TCHS Pennock's bridge horizontal logo


    A tagline is not currently approved for use with the TCHS logo and should not be created without direct consent from Communications. As previously indicated, icons, type or marks other than what is presented in these guidelines are not approved to be used in conjunction with the logo.


    Logo assets

    All available logo files can be accessed via the following link:

    Download TCHS Logos

    Logo guidelines provided are to be strictly adhered to. If you have any questions regarding the proper way to utilize these logos, please contact Communications for clarification. Additionally, when applying an approved logo please be cognizant of associated Legal requirements.


  • Logo color

    On all full-color communications, the color BVA logo should be used. When color is not available, the BVA logo is to be reproduced in grayscale or black and white. The logo should not be versioned into any colors other than those indicated below.

    BVA logo with color

    Pantone colors

    BVA pantone colors Different printing systems require different color specifications. When Pantone colors can be specified use Pantone 1945 C (burgundy) and Pantone 429 (gray). When printing two-color documents please substitute Pantone 429 with 20% tint of Black. When Pantone colors cannot be specified, use the four-color CMYK process equivalents or the three-color RGB equivalents shown under the Pantone colors to the right. Four-color process equivalents are also called CMYK equivalents, which refer to the four primary colors used in printing: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). RGB equivalents refer to a system for creating colors on computer monitors using a combination of the colors red, green and blue.


    Web safe colors

    Colors on the Internet are limited to a palette of 256 colors. These colors are created through HTML code that uses a series of six numbers and/or letters or a combination of numbers and letters. The nearest matches to BVA’s colors are A6093D for Pantone 1945 C and A2AAAD for Pantone 429.


    Grayscale logo

    If color is not available, a grayscale version of the logo is acceptable for use when reproducing the BVA logo in one color. To ensure sufficient contrast, it is recommended that the grayscale version only is used against a white background.

     BVA grayscale logo

    Reversed logo

     Only when absolutely necessary should the reversed out to white logo be utilized. The BVA brand is strongest when in color and should always be the first option.

    Logo size

    The preferred size for the logo is 1 inch by 1 inch but can be adjusted as needed not to result smaller than 0.375-inch height in print nor smaller than 32 pixels in digital formats. There is no maximum size limit, but use discretion when sizing the logo. It should never be the most dominant element on the page.


    The BVA logo must remain proportionally balanced. To scale the logo correctly, hold down the shift key while dragging a corner of the logo to the desired size. Never change the logo by compressing, expanding, distorting, or changing it in any manner.


    If you find a need for alternate sizing, such as digital app icons, please contact Communications.


    Logo spacing

    In order to maintain an appropriate amount of clear space around the logo, a minimum of .0167 inch of white space should border all sides of the logo.


    Logo placement

    Preferred placement for the BVA logo is in any of the four corners of a particular piece, with greater preference placed to the top left corner. This ensures clarity and consistency in presentation. When utilized in conjunction with a CCIU logo, the BVA logo will play the primary role in terms of size but should remain within one of the four corners, preferably one of the top corners.


    Logo Variations

    In most instances, it is preferred to have the full program’s name (Brandywine Virtual Academy) associated with the logo. Please note that this is not considered a separate logo, but rather an approved enhancement to the logo. No other icons, type, or marks are approved to be used in conjunction with the logo.

    Horizontal version

    When utilizing “Brandywine Virtual Academy” in conjunction with the logo, the text should preferably appear to the right of the logo. Depending on available space, two options are provided.

    BVA horizontal logo 1 BVA horizontal logo 2

    Stacked version

    When horizontal space prohibits the use of the horizontal version, a stacked version may be utilized. In this instance, the text should appear under the logo and should be centered.

    BVA stacked logo


    The approved tagline for use with the BVA logo is “an eSchool Solution.” In order to maintain consistency in positioning and size of the tagline, a separate logo file with the appropriate lock-up has been created. The tagline should never be utilized outside the provided file.

    BVA logo with tagline

    Logo assets

    All available logo files can be accessed via the following link:

    Download BVA Logos

    Logo guidelines provided are to be strictly adhered to. If you have any questions regarding the proper way to utilize these logos, please contact Communications for clarification. Additionally, when applying an approved logo please be cognizant of associated Legal requirements.


  • Logo color

    On all full-color communications, the color PNP logo should be used. When color is not available, the PNP logo is to be reproduced in grayscale or black and white. The logo should not be versioned into any colors other than those indicated below.

    PNP logo in color

    Pantone colors

    Different printing systems require different color specifications. When Pantone colors can be specified use Pantone 208 C (burgundy) and Pantone 429 C (gray). When printing two-color documents please substitute Pantone 429 with 20% tint of the pantone. When Pantone colors cannot be specified, use the four-color CMYK process equivalents or the three-color RGB equivalents shown under the Pantone colors to the right. Four-color process equivalents are also called CMYK equivalents, which refer to the four primary colors used in printing: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). RGB equivalents refer to a system for creating colors on computer monitors using a combination of the colors red, green and blue.


    Web safe colors

    Colors on the Internet are limited to a palette of 256 colors. These colors are created through HTML code (Hex) that uses a series of six numbers and/or letters or a combination of numbers and letters. The nearest matches to PNP’s colors are 861F41 for Pantone 208 C and A2AAAD for Pantone 429.



    Grayscale logo

    If color is not available, a grayscale version of the logo is acceptable for use when reproducing the PNP logo in one color. To ensure sufficient contrast, it is recommended that the grayscale version only is used against a white background.

     PNP black and white logo


     Reversed logo

     Only when absolutely necessary should the reversed out to white logo be utilized. The PNP brand is strongest when in color and should always be the first option.


    Logo size

    The preferred size for the logo is 1 inch by 1 inch but can be adjusted as needed not to result smaller than 0.5-inch height in PNP logo size print nor smaller than 32 pixels in digital formats. There is no maximum size limit, but use discretion when sizing the logo. It should never be the most dominant element on the page.


    The PNP logo must remain proportionally balanced. To scale the logo correctly, hold down the shift key while dragging a corner of the logo to the desired size. Never change the logo by compressing, expanding, distorting, or changing it in any manner.


    If you find a need for alternate sizes, such as digital app icons, please contact Communications.


    Logo spacing

    In order to maintain an appropriate amount of clear space around the logo, a minimum of .0167 inch of white space should border all sides of the logo.


    Logo placement

    Preferred placement for the PNP logo is in any of the four corners of a particular piece, with greater preference placed to the top left corner. This ensures clarity and consistency in presentation.

    When utilized in conjunction with a CCIU logo, the PNP logo will play the primary role in terms of size but should remain within one of the four corners, preferably one of the top corners.



    A tagline is not currently approved for use with the PNP logo and should not be created without direct consent from Communications. As previously indicated, icons, type or marks other than what is presented in these guidelines are not approved to be used in conjunction with the logo.


    All available logo files can be accessed via the following link:

    Download PNP Logos

    Logo guidelines provided are to be strictly adhered to. If you have any questions regarding the proper way to utilize these logos, please contact Communications for clarification. Additionally, when applying an approved logo please be cognizant of associated Legal requirements.