The CCIU Strategic Planning process, unfolded in three phases to create a comprehensive and well-informed outcome.
Phase one involved gathering and analyzing feedback from diverse sources within the intermediate unit, including customer satisfaction and internal communication surveys, as well as interviews and focus groups. This phase was crucial for understanding the experiences and needs of CCIU’s staff and partners.
Phase two was a two-day retreat in November 2023, where the leadership team evaluated the collected data, revisited the CCIU’s mission and vision, and set four primary goals for the future. This phase focused on envisioning the future and identifying key objectives.
Phase three involved four cross-divisional committees that worked over three months to define and refine the goals, creating a theory of action and strategic objectives. They shared their progress with a larger leadership team to gather input and ensure alignment.
The final CCIU 2024-2029 Strategic Plan was presented to the CCIU Board of Directors on May 15, 2024, and received unanimous approval.
Thank you to our CCIU community (Board of Directors, staff, parents/guardians, district partners) for the input and feedback that led to the definition of our four goal areas, and to the Strategic Planning Committees, who dedicated time to reviewing, analyzing, discussing, and defining our goals for the next five years.