- Professional Learning
- Advance Your Career
Certifications and Endorsements
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Looking to advance your career in education?
Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) has the experience and connections to open doors for you. Take advantage of our PDE-approved programs and our higher education partnerships.
The CCIU is proud to partner with the following universities and educational agencies to bring you opportunities to engage in quality programs for professional growth by earning additional degrees and certifications or simply taking graduate courses. Make CCIU the first step in your rising success!
Higher Education Partnerships
Gwynedd Mercy
Through the CCIU and Gwynedd Mercy University partnership, CCIU teachers and staff as well as educators in the 12 member school districts, are able to receive discounted tuition. Learn more by visiting Gwynedd Mercy or by contacting Gina Cossey at gcossey@crm.gmercyu.edu or 267-422-4166
Immaculata University
Through our partnership with Immaculata University, we are pleased to offer graduate credit for all CCIU Continuing Professional Education (CPE) courses. Visit our CPE course offerings web page and enroll in a course today!
Neumann University
CCIU Certificate programs offer graduate credit through a valuable partnership with Neumann University for the following PDE approved certificate programs:
ESL Specialist Certificate Program
Reading Specialist Certification
Join a cohort through the CCIU for Neumann Universities Online Instruction Endorsement the Instructional Coaching Endorsement and the Autism Endorsement and receive $50 off per credit.
Thom Stecher and Associates
Through Thom Stecher and Associates, these courses focus on empowering educators. Visit the course catalog to learn more.
West Chester University
Through an innovative partnership with West Chester University, we are pleased to offer the Superintendent Letter of Eligibility Program. To apply for the program or for more information, visit our Letter of Eligibility web page.