Wednesday, April 9, 2025
8 AM to 3 PM
Algorithms are amazing historic achievements, but they are terrible teaching tools. If mathematics teaching is not about mimicking algorithms, then what? Join author Pam Harris to experience real math-ing, where we teach students to reason like mathematicians and get better results for more students.
The session begins with participants experiencing what it looks like and feels like to mathematize as mathematicians do. Small groups will discuss how this experience connects to their own learning and current classroom practices. The session then delves into the hierarchy of mathematical reasoning domains-counting strategies, additive thinking, multiplicative reasoning, proportional reasoning, and functional reasoning-and how these domains build upon each other. Strategies for maximizing class time to support students' development of reasoning, including content, will be shared. The discussion will highlight the limitations of teaching students to mimic algorithms. Examples will be provided to show how to develop reasoning skills through the instructional routine, Problem Strings. Participants will leave with sample Problem Strings to implement in their classrooms.
Pam Harris is changing the way we view and teach mathematics. She is a mom, a former high school math teacher, a university lecturer, an author, and a mathematics teachers educator. Real Math is thinking mathematically, not just mimicking what a teacher does. Pam helps leaders and teachers to make the shift that supports students to learn Real Math.
Mary Driscoll | Program Development Coordinator