Chester County Reading Olympics is a countywide reading event that encourages students to increase the quality and quantity of books they read for enjoyment. The Reading Olympics Program is based upon the belief that good reading habits form the foundation for a productive and successful life. This program is currently active in schools in Chester, Montgomery, Delaware, Bucks, Berks and Carbon Lehigh counties.
Chester County Reading Olympics is designed to inspire students to read for pleasure and learn the value of teamwork at the same time! In addition to helping students develop a habit of daily reading for pleasure, the Chester County Reading Olympics provides students with the opportunity to have interactive discussions with their peers on the content of the books.
In 2022, over 2,100 students representing every district in Chester County as well as charter, and parochial schools. Students formed teams to read 45 books to prepare for the culminating event.
The teams come together in the spring at an assigned Chester County school location to answer questions about the books. The teams accumulate points for every correct answer during three rounds of questioning earning each team member a blue, red, or white ribbon based on the number of points their team has earned. Volunteers from area schools serve as moderators and scorekeepers to ask questions and keep score.
When the schools, parents and community come together, EVERYONE WINS!