Helping children experiencing homelessness, providing a reliable and supportive network The Chester County Intermediate Unit is dedicated to helping children experiencing homelessness with getting on the path to success. By improving access to education, informing the community about homelessness, and providing support to students and families, our team is committed to enduring all student have the opportunity to succeed in school.
Trainings Available at CCIU
The Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness program (ECYEH) is an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Education and is based on the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. This federal legislation ensures that homeless children and youth have access to a free, appropriate, public education.
Explore the list of training topics below. For more information, contact Tamara Acuna, CCIU Homeless Liaison at | 484-319-8358
More Information & Resources
Forms and Documents